Dave Wyper is one of our trustees and is Chair of the NSF’s Medical Advisory Committee.
He recently took part in the Scottish End to End cycling trip to help raise funds for us. Here he explains why.
‘Medical research is mainly funded by the Government, Industry, or charities. As a charity, the Neuroscience Foundation is going through a phase where we need more in our coffers to fund projects and studentships. Ideally a generous benefactor or organisation will make a substantial contribution, but smaller amounts add up and like similar small charities, we rely on individuals to hold fund-raising events. I saw the Scottish End to End Cycle organised by Peak Tours as an opportunity to do this, and so signed up for it.
I wanted this to be in memory of Dr Aled Evans, who was a dearly loved colleague in the Department of Clinical Physics where I worked. Aled was the kindest individual, well-liked and respected by all his colleagues. He died from a glioma. This is a condition that is within the remit of the Foundation and so combining the tribute and the charity made sense.’
Contributions would be gratefully received and can still be made by using our Just Giving donations page.
Read about Dave’s cycling trip by clicking here.